Shattering the silence, breaking the stigma.

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Can you imagine if only one out of every three of your friends sought help for a broken arm?

Well nearly two thirds of all people with a diagnosable mental disorder do not seek treatment…

Why is this? The stigma surrounding the subject of mental health has a large part to play in keeping many people from seeking the help they need. The negativity and misunderstanding that surrounds mental illnesses can create fear and cause shame, which in turn causes unnecessary pain and confusion.

Stigma goes far beyond the misuse of words and information, it is about disrespect. Stigma is commonly defined as the use of stereotypes and labels when describing someone. Stereotypes are often attached to people who are suffering from a mental illness.

Why is this so? We accept broken bones, we accept physical illness, we accept it when eyes or ears malfunction, so why is the brain so different? We accept that no one fully understands how the brain works and why, at times, it works differently in different people, but can this really lead to the amount of stigma and taboo surrounding the topic?

It could e because the brain is what defines us, it is what makes us us, it’s what makes us human… the ability to think, to dream, etc… and when this goes wrong it scares us, we don’t know what to think.

But a person whose brain may not function “normally” is still a person, just like how a blind person is no less of a human.

Why should a person fear help, fear the idea of ever getting a diagnosis, even fear telling those they are close to how they feeling feel just because society doesn’t want to accept it? Sweeping mental illness under the rug will not make it go away, in fact it is likely to prove to make it worse. The stigma surrounding these misunderstandings can limit opportunities, it can stand in the way of a new job, it can increase feelings of loneliness, and it can cause many other unfortunate outcomes. Stigma must, and can, be exposed and overcome. Everyone must know that it is not their fault and that it is OK to ask for help.

2 Responses to “About”

  1. Chris said

    Hey Shatter, as someone who is living through depression and trying to come out of it, would you mind adding me to your blog roll.

    The address is:


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